Montag, 21. Juni 2010

[1967] Fapardokly - Gone To Pot No Retreat

listen to the song:

It's 1967 again and "Fapardokly" is actually the album title, but the producer forgot to put Merrell & The Exiles on the cover as the band name! I know it's confusing. The LP is actually a compilation of Merrell Fankhauser & The Exiles tunes written & recorded from 1964-1967.
This song is like the never ending ecstasy from "8 Miles High" followed by some wah-ing psyh-pop to fade out at least.

[1967] The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Light Bulb Blues

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It's 1967 and the Peanut Butter Conspiracy hit the peak of psychedelic music before they fall into a melting pot of annoying pop. this track is also taken from the "Spreading from the Ashes" compilation that feat. a lot of nice archival material by the PBC. Enjoy!

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2010

[1996] Ghost - Who Found A Lost Rose in the Warship

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One of the Obskure occurrences of the Japanese underground-acid-culture is the group "Ghost" along with LSD March, Kawabata Makoto, Vava Kitora and many many more... It's hard to look through these scene, as only some of them are known in Europe and America and the most of the releases is not avaible outside Asia. If you got some tips, post them in comments!

The atmosphere of this tracks is filled with surrounding traditional instrumental sound, Comus playing and psychedelic winds blowing through the landscape of your mind.

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

[1968] The Litter - She's Not There

listen to the song:

Two years after the band was found in Minneapolis in 1966, a live set got recorded and released in 1999 by the Arf!Arf! label in combination with their 1967 album "Distortions". This track really grooves and is ffor now the most psychedelic track I have heared by this garage rock band. the organ is played in that mystic style and the way they are using their electric guitars just reminds of the Doors. Highly recommended!